2020 Design Eye Creative Major Award $5000

Amanda May (VIC)

 Amanda May 'Waratah' Image: Grant Wells Photo

Amanda May 'Waratah' Image: Grant Wells Photo

About the piece
Waratah’ was designed as a celebration of Australia’s unique wildlife. Telopia speciosissima is a bold and iconic example of our indigenous flora. The piece showcases how perfectly nature combines individual parts, utilising repetition and interlocking units to result in spectacular symmetry.

The vibrant flower is at once a strong, bold statement and a delicate living plant.

The blue-banded bee was incorporated to highlight the story of pollination. The bees are only 10-12mm long and are one of a few native bee species that perform ‘buzz pollination’. Some of our Australian indigenous flowers can only be pollinated in this way. The underlying message is that Australia needs to be mindful of protecting and encouraging insect species on our own shores. With enough bee-attracting flowers, the blue-banded bee can be found be found in urban areas.

Waratah’ is made from 225gsm uncoated, carbon-neutral paper.

Judging notes
This eye-poppingly gorgeous outfit truly celebrates paper. Its elegant construction demonstrates skilled craftsmanship and the artist’s joy of making. Just as its botanical namesake dazzles in the landscape this work glows with a myriad of reds radiating from the complex curves and captured in the deep shadows.

Its kind to the wearer; the lightweight form is easily slipped on and allows the model to play with the accompanying blue-banded bee. It is this buzzing addition that elevates the work into the magic of story-telling. Rather than hitting us over the head with her ecological message the artist invites us to take our own journey of discovery into the little known, and vital work, of Australian native bees.

In this this stunningly minimal art work Amanda May has given us the story of life on earth marrying plants, insects and animals.

Amanda May installing one of her creations. Image credit: Sophie Timothy photography.

Amanda May installing one of her creations. Image credit: Sophie Timothy photography.

About the artist
Working primarily in paper, Amanda May creates custom handmade statement pieces for special events, decorations and styling. She has an interest in creating bold pieces which transform space and create immersive experiences.

Nature, manmade nature, and the relationship between them are influences on Amanda’s work. Another strong interest is the blurring of lines between the real and artificial. Her work often allows for the exploration of structures that are not possible in nature. As ‘Waratah’ demonstrates, scale plays an important part in suspending reality - playing with the viewers perception and hijacking expectations to amuse and intrigue.

For its lightness and malleability, paper is Amanda’s preferred medium. Many of her works are made for a single event, so the recyclable nature of paper is also important.

Amanda has an Honours Degree in Fashion Design from RMIT University.


Instagram @amanda.may.lee