Townsend, Chloe (AUS) - 'Coral'

Chloe Townsend is an emerging artist from the North-West Coast of Tasmania and this is her second time as a finalist in Paper on Skin. Chloe loves to ‘make’ and believes that the tactile nature of sculpting, painting and stitching is the most enjoyable part of the creative process. She usually works from a sketch, then tests out ideas and materials. The concept is always in the back of her mind as Chloe works to make components and then see how they come together. Chloe was new to making handmade paper, so Coral was an ambitious project fuelled by her energetic creative passion and love of experimentation. 

In describing the work, Chloe says: ‘Coral is a joyful response to the beauty found in the Great Barrier Reef. Listed as one of the seven wonders of the natural world, this site is enormous (2300 km in length), yet it is in the detail of each living organism that we see individual colours, shapes and delicate structures. These are the inspiration for my garment. Using handmade and reused papers to emulate and elevate the coral and draw attention to its beauty. An important concept to highlight in this garment is the recycling of paper, with a large portion of the reef under threat due to human activity and subsequent climate change.’ 

Materials: Handmade paper, glue, fastenings.